Week 1, Day 6 – "Wolfie's, part 2"

Part 2: A big reception:

A long white hallway with flickering florescent bulbs leads me to the reception desk, where I find Nurse White. Nurse White all dressed in white sitting behind the pressed white wood desk, never moving. Her long blonde hair is tied up tight underneath her plain white nurses hat and the words come quietly from behind her frigid smile, “Print you name here and write a short introductory paragraph telling us why you think we should let you into Wolfie’s.”
“No one gets into Wolfie’s with out filling out the paperwork.”

Nurse White knows that I have no idea why I am here or what this place is. It is just a little game she plays to amuse herself since there really isn’t much else to do. Everyone who walks through those doors belongs at Wolfie’s even if they don’t seem to belong anywhere else. Nurse White watches as each new visitor tries to figure out what to write and get a little internal smirk as they wonder why they are writing in the first place.

After I have scribbled some nonsense on the form Nurse White says that I may enter and points me to the small white door behind her that somehow I never seemed to notice until she pointed it out.