Monthly Archives: June 2009

Week 12, Day 81 – “Goal”


Choose the Path.

Know How.

Never Stop.

Week 12, Day 80 – "Hold On"

Hold On

It’s going to be a freak show tonight
three painted ladies
and a jug of booze.

Only thing left is to dance, dance, dance.
Spin around ’til I’m too dizzy to stand,
and then fall in love where ever I land.

Week 12, Day 79 – "Pledge"


Everyday morning at exactly 7:45 all of us kids in the Miss Carter’s second grade class would stand up and pledge our allegiance to a flag and a country. It was our morning ritual, one class, indivisible, each day reaffirming our belief in a great nation. Each of us took turns leading the class, but it was Timmy who really took pride in leading us. He would stand up there place his hand over his heart and wait for everyone to settle, then lead us. Maybe he loved his country, or maybe he loved being in the spot light, being a leader.

It is years later and I haven’t seen anyone from that class since graduation. After I finished grade school, my folks moved to another part of town, and I went to a different middle school than the rest. It wasn’t until high school that I was reunited with the group. Even though it was only a couple of years, I was already an outsider. I didn’t yet fit in with my middle school classmates, and was no longer welcome with the old gang.

I wished that I could just walk up to my old friends and ask them to let me in. Tell them about all we had shared, and how I wasn’t really different even though I live up north now. Early in the fall semester of my freshman year, I tried to make an attempt. “Hey, Timmy, it’s me from grade school,” I started, but was interrupted by “The name is Tim.” Apparently a lot had changed in my time away. Timmy was now a Tim, and I wasn’t welcome.

Just today, I read that Tim had died over the weekend. No explanation of the circumstances, just an obituary stating the facts of his life, leaving behind a wife and a son. I don’t know why, but I will always remember him leading us second graders in a pledge.

Week 12, Day 78 – "Multiple Personalities"

Multiple Personalities

Twenty-three emails,
eight different blogs,
seven myspaces,
and a few facebooks.

Different identities.
Each compartment of my life
serving separate interest.

It’s not that I can’t do anything,
it’s that everything is possible.

Just need to decide what I want; and do it.

Week 11, Day 77 – "Feeling Better"

Feeling Better

Sweat drenched forehead,
light headed, fever.
Hopefully, I can feel better soon.

Typing so long
my fingers are numb,
Hopefully, I can feel better soon.

Week 11, Day 76 – "Redo Machine"

Redo Machine

Today I built a redo machine.
I can redo any thing in life,
but I am not sure where I should start.
There are a lot of things in my life
that I would miss if I redid them
accidentally out of existence.

Maybe I can just go back in time
and build a party machine instead.
You can’t go wrong with a good party
and having a machine only helps.

So it’s decided, party machine.
Expect invitations in the mail.

Week 11, Day 75 – "Looking"


looking through old photographs
when I was a kid
looking at the camera
or maybe just mom

looking now at a photo
my daughter same pose
looking at the camera
smiling at me

looking at my past
thinking about her future
looking through our time

Week 11, Day 74, – "Funny Money"

Funny Money

Funny colored money
to pay my bills.

I feel like buying some property
and setting up some houses and hotels
maybe a train line or a utility.

It is all funny money.
Still not used to the conversion rate
so it all seems like guesswork.

Week 11, Day 73 – "Soul"


You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body. ~ C.S. Lewis

feel my body
soft, warm, gentle, but please don’t
try to touch my soul.

Week 11, Day 72 – "Father's Day"

Father’s Day

Heard the young one on the phone.
She’s jabbering up a storm.
I’m her long distance father.
Doing the best that I can.