September 20, 2009
our family tv was a piece of furniture
big console that took up space on the floor
not hooked to the wall with glowing lights
and surround sound
all of us kids would watch together
fighting sometimes over the channel
but we’d decide on something eventually
usually sitcoms or mtv
that was back in the day when both were great
now the tv is flat
background noise
a distraction
to get me through
another day.
September 19, 2009
Three, Two, One
three day holiday
two more years left in Doha
one thing left to learn
September 18, 2009
it is much too warm
for a chicago winter
dying in the slush
September 17, 2009
Best of Times
even in the best of times
i just want to take a nap
cover up with my blanket
turn all daylight into night
and then wake up tomorrow
one more day checked off the list
one closer to vacation
September 16, 2009
spent today reading
trying to find the meaning
of life, everything
but I came up short
reading just made my head hurt
left with more questions
something different
tomorrow, another day
living instead of
reading about living
September 15, 2009
Monkey Business
god damn smoking monkeys
are going to spread lung cancer
to the rest of the animal kingdom
don’t know what the fuss is
those damn animals deserve what’s coming
and who’s going to miss them anyway.
September 14, 2009
the cool cats
party all night
at the cool clubs
and then sleep
all day at work
then do it again
and again.
never inviting me.
it’s just as well,
I don’t want to go anyway.
September 13, 2009
lost my internet
lost my mind
lost my car keys
lost my youth
lost the game
lost my love
and unwavering joy
when I lost you
that was the end
September 12, 2009
Excuse Me
please, excuse me
for my transgression
then you forgive me.
wouldn’t it be great
if it was easy.
I ask, and you give.
forgiveness for all.
September 11, 2009
Bridge Over Troubled Water
different worlds
are the same
and we are
someday friends
with no hate
just dinner
to bridge us
you and I
through our past
a future