Category Archives: Poetry

The Poetry of Brian Paris

Week 34, Day 234 – “Last Day”

Last Day

back to work again
holiday almost over
last day of free time

Week 34, Day 233 – “Bad Dream”

Bad Dream

have you ever woken up
and realized that you were living
your worst nightmare?

Week 34, Day 232 – “Shadow Mark”

Shadow Mark

shadows mark the time of day
and as the darkness grows longer
we know there isn’t much time left
to do the day’s chores

it is then that we hurry
at the end of the day
when we are tired
and our work suffers

when I see the shadows long
and the day nearly gone
I just lay down and get ready
for tomorrow’s sun will be brighter

and I will be rested and restored

Week 33, Day 231 – “Same Old, Same Old”

Same Old, Same Old

the days go by one by one
hoorah, hoorah?
each is the same as the last
an encore for more
more of the past
means less of today
and less of a life
a groundhog day
without Andie MacDowell
for a wife.
who wants, who wants,
who wants more of that?

not me, not me
that’s all I can say
maybe it’ll change
when tomorrow begins
the sun will come out
and sorrow will end
I hope that’s what happens
I really do
because I’m getting too old
for this same old, same old
too, too old
for this same old, same old

Week 33, Day 230 – “Thanksgiving”


I am thankful that I am healthy
that is what I wrote on thanksgiving
in second grade
I just recently found that note
must have been a school project
assigned by a thankful teacher
thankful for us kids
and thankful for a couple days off
I remember learning about pilgrims
and the nice indians
who shared a meal
if asked now
I would be most thankful
for all the meals I have shared
with friends and family

Week 33, Day 229 – “Flash”


strobe lights
light the model
in (hopefully)
an unblink of the eye
butterfly lighting
beautifying beauties
producing portraits
to sell jewelry
in glossy magazines

Week 33, Day 228 – “Inside My Head”

Inside My Head

staring at the ceiling
listening to podcast interviews
too dizzy to stand
and bored and tired
thinking about my life
makes me sick
or maybe I’m sick
sick of thinking
sick of food without drink
sick of my incomplete life

Week 33, Day 226 – “Da Bears Suck”

Da Bears Suck

da bears
dey suck
dumb ass
lov and the boys
with no one
to throw
da bama
still rootin’
but it don’t matter
dem gonna
lose again

Week 33, Day 225 – “After All This”

After All This

everyday I push you away
and you still ask how I am doing
I never return your calls
or pleasantries
I run when I see you in the hall
I hide from you
I mock you
and yet still
after all this
you want to be my friend.

Week 32, Day 224 – “I Call You A Liar”

I Call You A Liar

hello mother
you promised me a good life
but all has not gone as you told me
worked hard
and kept a good attitude
was nice to everyone I came across
but they back stabbed me
and moved on (and up)
while I sit here (no where)

and rachael
you said we could work it out
if we just tried
i went to shrinks
and meetings
and tried to listen more (better)
but what i heard was shit
and that is where we are now
i hate you more than ever
and you hate me too
talking just made it worse
brought the hatred out

and god
if I put my faith in you
i would be blessed
i don’t feel blessed
i am lonely
and no good news coming

i call you a liar
all of you
all of you, who got my hopes up
and disappointed