Category Archives: Poetry

The Poetry of Brian Paris

Week 41, Day 285 – “Web Videos”

Web Videos

spent all night watching the web
waiting for it to see me
watching me watch it

Week 41, Day 284 – “Cold Air”

Cold Air

moved out of the heat
and into the cold winter
heart gripped, and face lashed

Week 41, Day 283 – “Rocks”


a boy walks toward the water edge
picks up a flat round rock
feels the cool smoothness
then flings it low over the water
skips six times
the best throw of the week

Week 41, Day 282 – “Signature”


i want to write my name on the halls of life
to tattoo myself on my lover’s skin
for my likeness to forever be etched in stone
with monuments and cities named after me
to be remembered when i am gone.

Week 41, Day 281 – “Costumes”


it isn’t only halloween that brings the mask out
everyday i wake up, i head out to the costume shop
and see who i am, or just who i’d rather be
i wear the costumes in hopes that clothes make the man
and by being other men, i might stumble on the truth
the one true individual that is the real me
the one that my elders tell me i should act like
the one my friends tell me they want to get to know
and the one that i have been searching my entire life

Week 40, Day 280 – “Bandage”


I put a bandage on my chest
to stop the loss of my soul
when you left I almost died
is there is enough to carry on?

Week 40, Day 279 – “Pissing”


all lined up in the alley
after a long night of drinking
pissing on the side of the building
giving a little beer back to the bar

then the walk home
some more stumble than walk
but hopefully we’ll make it
before the frost bite freezes our peckers off

Week 40, Day 278 – “Lunch”


the dappy girl sways her carrot about on the end of her fork
gesturing as she talks and talks and talks
the well dressed business man sits across
focused more on his meal than the conversation
it is lunch as it always is

Week 40, Day 277 – “Hurry Up”

Hurry Up

let’s get moving
moving to another place
let’s get moving
and let’s get grooving
grooving to another beat
listening to the man on the street
beating the rhythm on a pail
and the pretty girl dancing
with her skirt floating and swaying
sway my way pretty girl
and we’ll get some rhythm going
hurry up and sway my way girl
and get the rhythm going

Week 40, Day 276 – “Chill Out”

Chill Out

chill out the heated arguments
enjoy the day
the wind
sun setting
pink clouds
the cool air
and shooting stars