In my dreams
I can say what I think
vent my top off
tell the truth to those around me
and not give a damn
about any consequences
only in my dreams
and maybe
on an unknown blog
In my dreams
I can say what I think
vent my top off
tell the truth to those around me
and not give a damn
about any consequences
only in my dreams
and maybe
on an unknown blog
Giving Up
giving up, growing up
or maybe just getting older
settled in a comfortable routine
until real work becomes hard work
work, too hard to start now, but soon
soon I’ll get creative and make something
something greater than anything made before
but, when it is tomorrow, I haven’t gotten started
not sure I am ready to give up yet
but the inertia of rest is catching hold.
What is?
compact time and assignments due
get it done
at the end of roads
lovers mate
experimental cocktails
engaged to the numbness
the lesser minds sit
with their TV tans
literature can not entertain
and poetry must not be funny
work, sex, ignorance and boredom
what is there to do?
brown sugar sandwiches
on fresh wonder bread
chased with a needle full of insulin
mmmm, dinner.
I am still not used
to this new work week
starting on Sunday,
I want rest,
but instead,
the lion of the senate
has finally been tamed
laid to rest, but not forgotten
and the most original city
tamed four years ago today
hoping that it is not forgotten
mud sucks the
honey bee stingers
out of 12 ouchie’s
and Winnie sings
when she fishes
casting without bait
as the sun goes down
the warm light rims the cat tails
frogs jump and the skeeters bite
just another summer day
that slots in my head
a day remembered
it has been a long time
since days mattered enough
to not be forgotten
strong flavor
25 species
un-circulated coinage
struck and marked
three days ago
I was brought a dead beetle
by a skinny stray cat.
don’t know why it choose me
to gift with such a curious item
but I was thankful
and kicked the cat
out of my way
just started off my day
in such a classy way
Not Here
you want sympathy
ya won’t get it here
you want understanding
not here either
I hate yo fucking guts
ya fucking spineless bitch
why don’cha go back home
to where yo mama loves ya
cause you ain’t gettin nothin here
no, not here.