Week 4, Day 26 – "She Loves Me"

She Loves Me

She loves me
She loves me not

Back and forth in a children’s game
As an adult, pretty much the same

Week 4, Day 25 – "She Better Pay Me"

She Better Pay Me

working out here on the fire escape,
sweating my ass off
just so she can have some clean windows.

she doesn’t even look out of them
hell, what would she see
nothing but a bunch of damn perverts

Week 4, Day 24 – "Window Washing 3"

Window Washing

Mmmm, my god! She is so fucking hot.
look at her up there, all sweaty from window washing,
hair tied back, firm arms, flexing as she wipes down the glass

Damn, she’s reaching over to get it all
love that back, love that ass, love those legs
she’s the perfect woman.

Someday I’m going to hit that shit.

Week 4, Day 23 – "Window Washing 2"

Window Washing

Every week, I have to clean the grime off my windows.
I get on my crappiest clothes, go out on the ledge,
and wipe the nasty city shit off the glass.

After I am done, I can sit inside and look out my window
and see the grime as it really is outside.
The clear view makes me gloomy.

One of these days I am going to board up those windows
and never look out there again.

Week 4, Day 22 – "Window Watching"

Window Watching

Sheri in her cleaning clothes,
(an old grey former boyfriend t-shirt, and stained baby blue hospital pants)
crawls out on her fire escape
with a bottle of windex and old newspapers

Each week she sparkle shines her windows, both sides
giving her a clear view of the park below
kids playing, people taking a quick lunch break, flirting

Sheri doesn’t live a celebrity life
but she daydreams in her window chair

and that opens up a big, big world

Week 3, Day 21 – "Moving Day"

Moving Day

Sorting out your life
down to one van load
makes you focus on what’s important

clears out the clutter
simplifies your life
and makes way for your new adventure

Week 3, Day 20 – "Drifting"


tired, tired, and a little sick
I’ve made it this far, it’s got to stick

drifting, drifting, then my eyes stay shut
floating, foggy, mind, gone, no more, what?

let it go, let it go, let’s forget
tomorrow will be better
I hope

Week 3, Day 19 – "Paco and You"

Paco and You

a robin sits on my windowsill
I call him Paco
and he is my friend

I tell him secrets
my longings of us
sometimes I don’t think of you at all

Week 3, Day 18 – "New Orleans"

New Orleans

the blood red wine on Bourbon St.
flows through the streets, down the gutters
and forgets itself in the sea

you are in a hospital bed
after too many pills
they will not let me see you

are you still sleeping?

Week 3, Day 17 – "Barbie and Superman"

Barbie and Superman

little girls know that Barbie is not real
that they are not Barbies
but hope to be anyway

little boys know that Superman is not real
that they are not Supermen
but hope to be anyway